
Students have assigned accounts at the School TypingClub Page.  Students are encouraged to access their accounts and practice as often as possible!

For Jr. High Students -- Use your CDLI Account to access tutorials (live and recorded) for Mathematics.

Scratch Code from MIT is a great tool to learn how to code using object based programming.  A powerful but easy to use programming language!  Students should use this as part of class using their assigned usernames and passwords.

Microbits are versatile programmable hardware that have many features including built-in sensors, an LED matrix, and a wide variety of available accessories.  No log-in required.

Ozobot is a little toy robot from Google that blends the physical and digital worlds — and teaches kids programming.  

Tinkercad is a free online collection of software tools that help people all over the world think, create and make.  

Chrome Music Lab is an awesome musical tool that is fun for all ages! 

WeVideo is a powerful video editing tool for all students and staff of NLESD.  Login with your G-Suite Account! 

All assigned work is expected to be completed on time.  The direct expectation for students who do not complete work as assigned is that they must complete that missing work.  Other disciplinary measures may occur; each situation is unique.