School Council

The Schools Act, 1997 recognized and reaffirmed the right of parents and the community to offer input into the education of their children through mandated school councils. This legislation provided the basis for a more responsive school system. The concept of school councils is not new, nor is it unique. The evolution of school councils in Newfoundland and Labrador is part of a worldwide momentum to involve parents and communities more directly in the life and work of schools, and is a reflection of this province's emphasis on achieving improvement in education through local collaboration and greater accountability.

School councils are school, family and community partnerships. They bring together education professionals, parents, students and other community members and build on the collective knowledge, skills, abilities, interests and resources to enhance the education and development of children. The collaborative efforts of school councils have had a positive influence in improving the teaching and learning environment for the children in the schools they serve.

Learn more about School Councils by visiting the Department of Education website:

St. Thomas Aquinas School Council Members 2022-2023

Chairperson: Causandra Reader 

Parent Representatives: Colleen Joseph, Jocelyn Hynes-Reid, Nadine Earle, Mariah Ricketts, Causandra Reader

Community Representatives: Lisa Penney, Janice Evans, Julie Bedo, Jamiee Hunt-Benoit

Staff Representatives: Andrew Woodrow, Jennifer Hillier

Principal: Corey Ivany

Committees:  No ad-hoc committees or sub-committees currently operating.