
Current Fundraisers

For more information or details regarding any of our school events and/or fundraisers, please feel free to contact the school directly!

 About our Fundraising Activities

Schools are provided instructional budgets from the Department of Education.  Beyond these budgets, we often need to fund-raise in order to support our goals.  For example, a school may want to purchase some audio equipment to create podcasts, set up a green-screen recording studio, purchase new tablets, or a piece of playground equipment.  These elements are often not included as part of the provision from the government.  As such, whenever we seek monetary support from our school community and the public, we take great care to ensure that you know what you are supporting and that the money you have offered goes where you intended.  All fundraising at St. Thomas Aquinas is governed by the NLESD Fundraising Policy and is subject to the approval, review, and direction of the School Council

How Can I Donate to St. Thomas Aquinas?

There are various ways to donate money to support our fundraising campaigns. Receipts are automatically provided for donations of $20 or more -- othewise, upon request.  How to donate:

NOTE: We are unable to accept direct E-Transfers 

Fundraising Sponsor Sheets

1. All sheets are colour coded (different colours to be used each time in a random pattern); 

2. All coloured sheets have a notice that they should BE that colour on the front and back;

3. Student names and photographs are on the back of all sponsor sheets; 

4. Fundraising details (dates, purpose, etc.) is posted on the form; 

5. All forms have an embossed seal from the school; 

6. All forms indicate that the embossed seal should be present;

7. All details are on our website, Facebook, Twitter, etc.;

8. We've notified the radio station to indicate that a fundraiser is taking place during said dates.

Sample Fundraiser Sheet (Front and Reverse)

Recycling Blitz

Families are able to donate directly to MMSB in the name of St. Thomas Aquinas (we still get the 1:1 refund match).